Health blogs

Wednesday 14 August 2013

5 Reasons Why You Should Stop Drinking Soda

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 Five Reasons Why Soda is Bad For You

1. Regular consumption of soda can lead to many different medical conditions including but not limited to
  • Heart Disease
  • Cancers
  • Osteoporosis
  • Muscle Loss
  • Weight Gain
  • Accelerated aging and many more
2.  One can of Soda can have up to 200 calories. Some people consume up to 10 cans a day and that's possibly 2000 calories a day just from your liquids!! Considering 2000 calories a day is recommended for women and 2500 calories is recommended for men then that leaves little to no room in your daily allowance for food. Cutting soda out of your diet for water will be beneficial for weight loss.

3. Soda whether diet or regular is linked to accelerated aging. Many sodas contain phosphorates or phosphoric acid. This is a weak acid used to improve the shelf life of sodas and give them a tangy taste and flavor. Too much phosphoric acid could even cause accelerated aging. A journal that was published in the FASEB journal in 2010 found that the abundant and excessive levels of phosphate found in sodas caused lab rats to die on average 5 weeks earlier than the rats whose diet had much more normal phosphate levels. Soda manufacturers have also been increasing the levels of phosphoric acid in their products so there's another reason to give the soda habit a kick.

4. Soda cans are made out of Aluminium and are lined with a chemical to prevent the soda acid and the can reacting. The chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) is linked with infertility, obesity and reproductive cancer. Not exactly the kind of chemical you want in your body.

5. The artificial sweeteners used in soda do not break down in our bodies (perhaps natures way of saying that we shouldn't be taking them into our body) and water treatment facilities cannot filter them out of the water. These sweeteners start in our bodies and come out when we go to the toilet, then they end up in our water supplies and waterways and are thought to adversely affect sea life it comes into contact with.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss and Burning Fat

Fat burning pills, fad diets and starving yourself are not the way to go if you want to burn fat and gain the body and physique you always wanted. On this page I will tell you a 100% full proof proven method of burning fat and losing weight healthily. There will be no junk science on this page, just proven methods to trim the lb's and get your body into a shape you can be proud of.

Losing weight all comes down to two things:

  • Patience
  • Commitment
You will need both of these on your fitness journey, if you feel you cannot commit to the program or lack the patience for it then I suggest you either do not want your new body enough or you need to work on your mental psyche before engaging on the journey.

This program is based on 3 rules that are very simple to understand and follow providing you have the patience and commitment to follow them. The rules are as follows :
  1. Reduce your daily calorie intake by 500
  2. Workout at least 3 times a week
  3. Eat a minimum or 1g of protein for every lb of muscle mass on your body
That's is literally all you have to do, sounds easy yet so many people struggle to lose weight. This is usually due to people being misinformed and/or lacking the patience and commitment to get to the end of their journey. Now let's look into the three rules in a bit more detail.

Reduce Your Daily Calorie Intake by 500

1lb of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories and by cutting 500 calories from your daily intake you are cutting 3500 calories out of your diet per week (7 days of cutting 500 = 3500) so without even exercising yet you are potentially losing a lb of fat per week, this doesn't sound like much but combined with the other steps in the program it makes a big difference. So that's 4lbs per month and over a 3 month stretch thats a couple of lbs short of a stone. Not bad for just making one or two changes to your diet.

Workout 3 Times a Week

This is vital for a few reasons. When your body is losing weight it will inevitably lose some muscle mass too, however working out 3 times a week with weights will minimise the muscle lost and will maximise the fat you lose. Heavy weightlifting increases your metabolism further increasing the amount of calories you use up in everyday life and it also burns calories as you are doing it. After 3 months of lifting heavy with a good workout and following the other simple rules you will have a drastically different physique, one you can be proud of. 

Eat a Minimum of 1g of Protein For Every Lb of Muscle Mass on Your Body

This sounds complicated however it really is not, your body needs protein to build your muscles and so this goes hand in hand with the workout 3 times a week rule. All of that weightlifting is going to fatigue your muscles and the protein intake is essential to make sure your muscles recover adequately and grow. Several studies and bodybuilding experts say that 1g of protein for every 1lb of lean muscle mass is what you will require to recover your muscles. Also the more muscle you gain the more calories your body naturally burns on a daily basis, so make sure you are lifting heavy (and safely) and getting your protein. You will thank yourself for it in a couple of months.

By following these 3 rules you will lose weight and change your body composition, this works for anyone from the morbidly obese to professional bodybuilders. All 3 rules are easy to follow and you have no excuses for not being able to follow them. 500 calories is an easy amount to cut out of your diet whether it is through smaller portion sizes, switching soda for water, substituting certain foods for vegetables or just not snacking between your meals anymore. Working out 3 times a week shouldn't be an issue either, everyone can spare 3 hours of their time each week and if you can't then perhaps you should look into how you are spending your time and make time to workout. Some people do struggle getting enough protein in their diet and for those people I highly recommend a protein drink every morning. These will get you well on your way to the necessary protein intake but remember to account for the calories in your protein drink towards your daily limit. 

If you choose to follow this program and want to get your journey featured on the blog then please get in contact, I am more then happy to share your success stories with the readers.